Friday, July 24, 2009

importance of 108

There are 12 rasi (sun signs) of 30 degrees each in the zodiac. These rasi are connected to the Adityas (12 Sun gods) and the rasi are said to give the results of the Sun. The Sun is karaka (significator) for the 1st and the houses 9th houses. When you take each rasi and divide it into nine amsas (divisions) it creates the Navamsa (9th divisional chart). 30 degrees divided by nine gives 9 signs of 3 degrees and 20 minutes each. With each of the 12 signs containing 9 amsas there is 108 amsas. This Navamsa shows the inherent qualities of the soul, a native’s dharma (purpose), bhagya (luck), and one’s spouse. The Navamsa is the 108 sign chart held in high esteem in Vedic astrology and a Vedic astrologer doesn’t read a birth chart without the navamsa sitting next to it.
The Moon goes through the zodiac in approximately 27 days which creates the lunar zodiac called the nakshatras. The Moon is karaka (significator) for the 4th house. Each of these 27 lunar signs are divided into 4 amsas (divisions) called padas (feet/footsteps). The nakshatras (lunar signs) are 13-20 degrees and divided by four become 3-20 degrees. 27 nakshatras multiplied by 4 padas is 108. The four pada relate to the four ayana: karma (career), artha (sustenance), kama (pleasure/family), moksa (spirituality/liberation). Each pada has a tone, using which can activate a planet within the tone. The Moon has a 108 padas and 108 tones.
The 3-20 division reveals itself as the most crucial division. The Moon sign’s padas and the Sun sign’s navamsas line up with the number 108. 108 is the number where the Moon (manas) and Sun (atman/ahamkar) line up. It is where the Moon’s cycle can be aligned with the Sun’s cycle. 108 is a number that aligns the mind and the soul.
The 3-20 division aligns the Sun and the Moon, which also shows the alignment of Shiva and Parvati or the Purusha and Prakritti. The 108 division is the coming together of Purusha and Prakritti, it is the creation of the world.
The Sun and the Moon are connected to the earth by approximately 108 times their own diameters. When you look at the Sun and the Moon from earth they are perceived as the same size, this same size appears because of their distance. In the zodiac the large solar signs (rasis) find the same size as the smaller lunar signs (nakshatras) with the number 108. Even though the Sun (1,392,000 km ) is 400 times smaller than the Moon (3,474.8 km), they are perceived the same by their division of 108 times their own diameter. This just physically reveals that the Purusha (Sun) and Prakritti (Moon) are using the vibration of 108 to create and maintain life as it is on this earth. 108 is not sacred because of this distance, this distance (of a 108 the luminaries own diameter) are existing because it is the vibration in which all life as we know it is brought into existence.
It is the vibration of the Purusha and Prakritti that has put us into existence and it is the secret key that will allow us to awaken in our existence, manipulate our existence, or transcend our existence. It is a powerful force that can do anything, tantra (both positive and negative) taps into this force. There are a 108 beads upon a mala to tap into this vibration of the supreme creative force of the god and goddess, Purusha and Prakritti.
All other lists of 108 unfold from Purusha (Sun) and Prakritti (Moon). For example, in Ayurveda there are a 108 marmas in the body. They are points that can heal or kill a living being. They are considered the points where consciousness connects to the body, where Purusha (consciousness) is brought into Prakritti (body) to give life to the living being (both humans and animals have these points). The 108 intersections on the Sri Chakra again relate to this numbers ability invoke the balance of Purusha and Prakritti and the primordial ability of the rishi to see both clearly.
In linear time Prakritti (manifest creation) came forth from the Purusha (the absolute beyond anything created). It is a point from which all came into being. In non-linear time, this point is always present where the ‘nothing’ and the ‘something’ connect beyond words. This space is 108.

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